Sang A Rustic Alligator Rise Belted Pouch

Notice I did not call this a "fanny pack". Obviously, coach wallets saleas you can see here, this is not your sightseeing tourist fanny pack, it is an incredibly chic alligator "clutch" on a self tie totes Sang A is so creative and so far ahead of trends that sometimes people just don't get her. She does something and 2 years later it is the biggest thing. But here she has nailed it, the Rise belted pouch is jaw dropping. I need this, like, NOW!! It is 3 tiers of flaps that cover the zipper pouch. It is on a belt of the same rustic alligator which is tied loosely with the ends falling away like a sash. How freaking amazing is this?? I have a few Sang A bags and they are always show stoppers, this one will for sure turn heads as well. Available in Spring 2011 for $1995 (for alligator!!). To pre-order, email Joseph and make sure to tell him Bag Snob sent you. Shop current collection crossbody
Par zhulouboutin6 le jeudi 14 juillet 2011


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